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Something for Everyone

Yoga With Tyler is more than just a place to get in shape — it’s a dedicated community. Check out what’s going on this month and join me for one of my upcoming events or workshops. Take a chance and challenge yourself by signing up for something new. I guarantee you’ll come away with an incredible experience and a satisfied feeling.



January 6th 2018

Bringing a sense of change with the New year on the horizon. Embracing all that the body has to offer and start 2018 fresh and rejuvenated with this 3-hour workshop.
The main focus of this retreat is to feel physically grounded so we can really work on that alignment. We have professional teachers who will be guiding you throughout the practice with adjustments to help enhance your postures and allow your body to feel stronger with each class. 
We also want to create a connection with the mind and the body through fluid movement and a restorative practice so you can feel ready to take on whatever challenges the new year throws at you. 




May 14th 2018

This workshop is based on building Emotional resilience and removing any emotional tension, one thing in which we hold onto in the hips and the heart on a daily basis. The tension we hold deep within our muscles is also a major cause of stress in which we carry in our everyday lives, not only in our relationships but into our careers, friendships, appearance and general decision making. We will be using pranayama (breath work) to connect with our emotion resilience, to create a stronger bond and to also stop emotional tension getting the best of us by learning how breath through the barriers stress causes. This will leave you feeling energised for the rest of the workshop. 




April 14th 2018

This workshop is based on cleansing and restoring the body back to its natural state. With each new year, we throw our bodies into changes they don't fully adapt to which causes tension to build within the body and therefore releases stress that can occupy the mind and create an unbalance in your life. What we are trying to promote is a healthy and active lifestyle inspired ultimately by yoga and its ways but also with nutrition and wellbeing to help you get back on track once again by cleansing the body with great exercise, food and also restoring peace and tranquility to the mind. 



July 7th 2018

This workshop is based on backbends and spinal twists. Working deep with in the vertebras to create space within the spine, we will be twisting and detoxifying our internal organs whilst elongating the spine with each posture. During the practice I will be describing some great postures to help with sciatica, Lower back pain, upper back, alignment of our natural bodies and posture. We will be using pranayama (breath work) to create a stronger bond and to also stop tension getting the best of us by learning how breath through the barriers stress causes. This will leave you feeling energised for the rest of the workshop.  


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